4 awesome ways to test cross-browser compatibility on browserstack

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BrowserStack is all you could ever need for your cross-browser testing and is online way to test your web pages on live remote session, your design may be excellent, but if it doesn't render properly on a browser, your audience will have a negative user experience. This directly impacts conversions. According to browserstack report Last month, there were 997,245 browser tests done on BrowserStack, out of which 14.01% were on IE 8.0. Does your website render correctly on it? At BrowserStack, you get instant access to real desktop and mobile browsers for development and testing. Test your public and internal websites in 4 different ways: The website you enter in remote browser is running on a remote computer so there is no doubt the result 100% perfect. Browserstack give us Interactive testing on public and private servers and official mobile emulators. check out the list of 700+ browsers, Apple IOS and android sdk version. You can create URLs, with testing options as parameters, to instantly start a browser on BrowserStack. You can integrate these URLs into your application, bookmark, and share them with others.

The Browserstack Testing Tools

Browserstack Free Trial is limited to 30 minutes of Live sessions, 100 minutes of Automate and 100 Screenshots + Responsive, you can Download and install the Test IE plug-in from Integrations. At BrowserStack, you get instant access to live desktop and mobile browsers on sdk for development and testing.

Test your client and personal websites in 4 different ways:
  • Live: Interactive testing and debugging of websites and design files. Select operating system from the quick lunch menu located at left side of the browser window and start testing your webpage.
  • Automate: Run Selenium and JavaScript unit tests on multiple browsers in parallel. Instant access to all browsers, mobile browsers, local server testing, live debugging and support more than 10 languages.
  • Screenshots: Check web page layouts across multiple browsers at once. Take instant screen across 700+ browsers.
  • Responsive:Be sure to test your websites on a variety of devices, on browserstack you can View websites on real devices, with actual screen sizes, resolutions and viewports.

How Browserstack works

First thing is register for the service or your log-in using your live, hotmail email address, Once you logged-in, you'll be at the dashboard which offers a quick start dialog, for the first time signup you will be rewarded with free 30 mints live remote session, 100 mints of automated test and 100 screenshots. BrowserStack is a paid service ( not free ) and I think as technology grown up the pricing is very affordable and reasonable for the services you're getting from browserstack.
It's first online service that as a professional developer or company is certainly worth.

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